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Study in Cyprus

Introduction to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC)

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) is a self-declared state located in the northern part of the island of Cyprus in the Eastern Mediterranean. It is recognized only by Turkey and is not internationally recognized as a separate sovereign state. KKTC shares its southern border with the Republic of Cyprus, which is the recognized government controlling the southern two-thirds of the island.

1.1. Geography

Cyprus showcases diverse landscapes despite its smaller size, featuring striking mountains and varied geography. With captivating water bodies like lakes, rivers, and scenic waterfalls, it exudes natural beauty. Among them, the Gecitkoy Reservoir stands out as the largest lake, offering a picturesque backdrop in KKTC. Though not expansive like some global lakes, Gecitkoy Reservoir is a prominent freshwater body enhancing Northern Cyprus’s captivating natural allure.

1.2. Culture

Cyprus’s culture is a captivating fusion of diverse influences, blending Eastern and Western elements. Rooted in ancient civilizations, its cultural tapestry has been shaped by centuries of different ruling powers. This mix contributes to a vibrant array of traditions, customs, and arts, reflecting a rich heritage blending historical significance with modern vitality.

1.3. History

Cyprus has a rich history dating back to ancient times, serving as a hub for diverse civilizations like the Hittites, Greeks, Romans, and Byzantines. These influences have shaped its cultural, architectural, and historical landscapes significantly. The region’s history reflects a convergence of civilizations, enriching its heritage and legacy with a diverse tapestry of influences.

2. Higher Education in Republic of Northern Cyprus
The higher education system in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) has undergone notable reforms, striving to align itself with the principles of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by implementing the Bologna Process. These reforms aim to standardize the structure of higher education, enabling easier credit transfer and recognition of qualifications among participating countries within the region.

2.1. Overview of Universities and Higher Education Institutions

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) possesses a range of higher education institutions, comprising public universities, private universities, and vocational schools. Public universities, predominantly government-funded, attract the majority of higher education enrollments, offering diverse programs at reasonable tuition rates.

Private universities are increasingly recognized, delivering specialized programs with modern facilities and resources. They serve as an alternative with more focused educational paths.

Vocational schools within KKTC provide practical and technical training, equipping students with skills tailored for specific occupations across diverse industries. These institutions emphasize hands-on learning to prepare individuals for various vocational roles.

2.2. Admission Procedures, Requirements, and Deadlines

In the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC), university admissions involve:

Direct applications to chosen universities.
Possible entrance exams or standardized test scores.
Requirements like high school diplomas and academic transcripts.
Additional documents such as recommendation letters.
Varying deadlines; check university websites for specifics.

2.3. Step-by-Step Application Guide for International Students
As Zafar Consultancy, we will guide you through the application process for universities in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC):
Research and University Selection: We’ll assist in selecting universities based on academic reputation, program offerings, location, and language of instruction, aligning with your preferences.
Eligibility Check: We’ll review admission criteria for your chosen programs at each university to ensure you meet the requirements.
Document Collection: We’ll help gather necessary documents, including transcripts (translated if needed), test scores, photos, and other specified materials.
Online Application Support: Our guidance extends to creating online application accounts and accurately completing application forms.
Submission Assistance: We’ll facilitate the submission of required documents to universities within specified deadlines.
Application Tracking: We’ll monitor your application status and keep you informed about updates or additional requirements.
Interview Preparation (if applicable): If interviews are necessary, we’ll help you prepare by practicing common questions and discussing academic goals.
Admission Decision Follow-up: We’ll assist in reviewing admission decisions communicated by universities and guide you through the enrollment process upon acceptance.

3. Language of Instruction at Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC)
The primary language of instruction in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) is predominantly Turkish. Many universities in KKTC offer programs taught in Turkish. However, there are also institutions that provide programs in English to accommodate international students and facilitate their education in KKTC. These English-taught programs are particularly prevalent in fields such as business, engineering, medicine, and social sciences. Students seeking to study in KKTC have options to pursue their education in either Turkish or English, depending on the university and the program they choose.

4. Scholarships and Financial Aid in Cyprus KKTC for International Students

4.1. Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU): Offers various merit-based scholarships covering tuition fees, accommodation, and stipends for eligible international students.
4.2. Near East University (NEU): Provides scholarships based on academic excellence, high achievement, and special talents to support international students financially.
4.3. Girne American University (GAU): Offers scholarships aimed at easing the financial burden of tuition fees for international students demonstrating academic merit.
4.4. Cyprus International University (CIU): Provides financial aid through scholarships for eligible international students, focusing on academic merit and international student support.
4.5. Government and Cultural Exchange Programs: Some scholarships and aid opportunities may be available through KKTC’s Ministry of National Education and Culture and specific cultural exchange initiatives. These can offer additional financial support to eligible international students.

5. Living Costs in Northern Cyprus (KKTC)

The average monthly living expenses for a student in Northern Cyprus range from 300$ to 500 USD. This includes:

5.1. Accommodation: Accommodation costs can vary based on location and housing type. On average, dormitory rooms or shared accommodations range from 150 to 300 USD per month. Private apartments might cost between 200 to 400 USD monthly.
5.2. Food: Monthly food expenses depend on personal preferences and dining habits. Groceries can range from 150 to 200 USD per month. If dining out frequently, expenses may reach 200 to 300 USD monthly.
5.3. Transportation: Public transportation, such as buses and minibusses (dolmuş), is commonly used and cost-effective. Monthly transportation passes average around 20 to 30 USD. Additional travel expenses may arise from occasional taxi rides or personal vehicle use.
5.4. Other Expenses: Miscellaneous expenses cover utilities, personal care products, mobile phone bills, and leisure activities. These costs generally range from 50 to 100 USD per month.

It’s important to note that these figures are approximate and can vary based on individual lifestyles and preferences. Additionally, seasonal fluctuations or specific city locations within Northern Cyprus might impact overall expenses.

6. Visa Process for Studying in KKTC

1. EU citizens can freely enter, study and work in Cyprus.
2. International students from non-EU countries need a student visa for entry.
3. to Cyprus.
4. Student visas are issued only to full-time international students.
5. (students who register for at least 15 credits or 30 ECTS in a semester).
6. Student visas can be issued either by an Embassy / High Commission/
7. Consulate of the Republic of Cyprus in the candidate’s home country or
8. by the Civil Registry and Migration Department in Cyprus.

6.1. Required Documents for Visa

Passport: Ensure your passport has a minimum validity of six months.
Completed Visa Application Form: Fill out the required application form for a student visa.
Passport-sized Photos: Provide recent photos meeting the specified criteria.
Proof of Acceptance: Official documentation proving acceptance by a recognized educational institution in Northern Cyprus.
Confirmation of Acceptance: Verification of acceptance sent directly from the university to the KKTC embassy or consulate.
Proof of Financial Means: Demonstrate sufficient funds to cover tuition fees and living expenses during your stay.
Health Insurance: Obtain health insurance coverage valid for the duration of your studies in Northern Cyprus.

7. Preparations for Travelling
7.1. Airport Pickup
Zafar Consultancy is here to make your arrival seamless and stress free, We’re thrilled to introduce our exclusive Arrival Assistance service tailored for students. Once you’ve secured your student visa, our dedicated team is poised to welcome you upon your arrival, guaranteeing a hassle-free start to your academic journey.

7.2. University Registration
At Zafar Consultancy, we pride ourselves on providing University Registration Service, ensuring a smooth and efficient process for students after arrival in Turkey. Our dedicated team assists students from the initial steps to the completion of registration, offering expert guidance and support throughout.
7.3. Accommodation Options for Student in KKTC
In Northern Cyprus (KKTC), students have several accommodation options to consider:
1. University Dormitories: Many universities offer on-campus dormitories equipped with basic amenities. These accommodations provide convenience and a chance to immerse yourself in the student community.
2. Private Student Residences: Off-campus student residences are available near universities, offering shared or private rooms with various facilities like internet access, laundry, and communal spaces.
3. Shared Apartments/Flats: Renting an apartment or a flat with other students can be a cost-effective option. Sharing expenses like rent, utilities, and groceries can make this a budget-friendly choice.
4. Private Rentals: Students can opt for independent rentals, choosing from a range of apartments or houses available for lease. This option allows for more privacy and flexibility in terms of location and amenities.
5. Homestays: Some students prefer living with local families for a more immersive cultural experience. Homestays can offer a supportive environment and opportunities to practice the local language.
6. Hostels or Guesthouses: Short-term accommodation options such as hostels or guesthouses might serve as temporary housing while searching for more permanent arrangements.

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